Behind the Formula

Where Science meets sustainability

At our core, we believe in harnessing the power of upcycled materials to create cutting-edge skincare solutions that not only deliver exceptional results but also champion environmental stewardship. Our dedication to using botanical, plant-based ingredients drives our innovation, ensuring that every product is a testament to our mission of blending science, sustainability, and performance. On this page, we delve into the scientific intricacies behind our formulas, debunking myths and shedding light on the transformative potential of upcycled beauty.

Concept to Creation: Our Blue Light Elixir Story

Blue light, or high-energy visible (HEV) light, is emitted by the sun and digital devices like smartphones, computers, tablets, and LED lights. While blue light helps boost alertness, memory, and mood, overexposure can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to skin damage.

Sunlight vs digital device blue light exposure

It's important to note that blue light is not only emitted from digital devices but also from the sun. Approximately 25% of sunlight is composed of blue light, with the sun emitting about 6.3 milliwatts (mW) per square centimetre of surface area.

In comparison, digital devices emit about 30 microwatts (µW) per square centimetre.

While the intensity from digital devices is significantly lower, prolonged exposure at close distances can lead to substantial cumulative exposure.

  • How Blue Light Accelerates Skin Ageing

    Research has shown that blue light can cause DNA damage, decrease cell viability, increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), and accelerate skin ageing. Moreover, excessive blue light exposure can increase swelling, redness, and hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. Recent studies have highlighted the significant impact of blue light on skin health. Findings indicate that exposure to blue light accelerates the ageing process and induces cutaneous hyperpigmentation. Additionally, blue light exposure alters the circadian rhythm of the skin, affecting its repair mechanisms during the night. The key molecules involved in cellular responses to blue light are nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). These unstable chemicals can damage skin cells, leading to inflammation, DNA damage, and the breakdown of collagen and elastin. This process results in skin laxity, premature ageing, and wrinkles. The enzyme matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) activated by blue light further degrade collagen, exacerbating skin ageing.

Protecting your skin from blue light

Traditional sunscreens are designed to block or absorb UV radiation and may not provide adequate protection against blue light. Broad-spectrum sunscreens with iron oxides can offer some protection, but antioxidants (like those found in our blueberry seed oil) are essential to mitigate oxidative stress caused by blue light.